The roiroshi, a roiro waxer polishes the urushi laquered surface. When we think of an urushi product, the glowing jet-black color on the mirror surface is the result of the work of a roiro waxer.

Roiro Finish Polisher
Work of roiro finish polisher
The last artisan to finish the urushi lacquer
- Introduction
List of Artisans
- Altar Hall Specialist(Kuden-shi)
- Woodworking Craftsman(Kiji-shi)
- Woodcarver(Hori-shi)
- Urushi Lacquer Painter(Nu-shi)
- Roiro Finish Polisher(Roiro-shi)
- Gold Leaf Craftsmen(Hakuoshi-shi)
- Colorist(Saishiki-shi)
- Makie Master(Makie-shi)
- Buddhist Sculptor(Bus-shi)
- Kirikane Gold Cutter(Kirikane-shi)
- Decorative Metalsmith(Kazarikanagu-shi)
- Gold Engraver(Chokin-shi)

The final process of urushi lacquering
Polishing up the urushi lacquer surface is the work of roiro polisher.
It sounds easy to say in words, but within, a very deep and interesting world is expanding in it. The work of a roiro polisher comes into existence only in Kyoto. There are many areas that produce urushi lacquering all over Japan, but an urushi lacquer painter combines the work of both roiro polishing and urushi lacquering. That relates to the multiplicity of Kyoto-made products. In other production areas, their main products are plates, boxes, and daily items that are relatively small and handy. However, products made in Kyoto cover a wide variety of large, flat, carved and decorated objects, and architectural structures. That is why the urushi-finish artisan is required to have a great deal of expertise, so the roiro polisher's work is established as one of the specializations.
The roiro polisher's job is not only to create a mirror surface, but also to do one more very important thing. That is making a base before placing gold leaf on the urushi surface. Kyoto gold leaf has a unique, subdued color. One of the most indispensable techniques to express its color is called ‘suriage’. For products that use the gold leaf, the roiro polisher uses a specific refined urushi lacquer called ‘hakushita’ before handing products to gold leaf craftsmen. Their final task of surface processing is to create a base for a modest texture of gold leaf that subdues the gloss and brightness.

Hidden technique in the 0.2-0.5mm film coating
When a roiro waxer polishes the urushi surface, they are protecting the urushi film coating. An urushi lacquer painter finishes up by applying a few middle and top coats to make the surface homogenous and beautiful. The uppermost and most beautiful surface is the last layer of the top coat, which is 0.2-0.5mm thin. The biggest threat to a roiro waxer in creating a mirror-like surface is distortion.
Delicate distortions can stand out on the mirror surface, so a flat surface is desirable. However, when the urushi lacquer is applied by an urushi lacquer painter, a brush is used to apply the lacquer, which inevitably results in a corrugated surface called “brush marks” or ‘hakeme.’ If the wavy surface is polished flat and evenly, it could break the surface of the beautiful 0.2mm urushi lacquer on top. Each urushi coating contains different features, and if a coating breaks the surface, parts will appear to have uneven brightness. So, a roiro waxer polishes the surface flat in order to show the most beautiful 0.2mm layer, without breaking the brush marks on the surface. The technique needs a delicate balance that only the human hand can provide.

Brightness made by human hands
The delicate work and techniques of the roiro waxer are made by human hands. You might assume that because it is a craft, it is produced by human hands, but this is not the case: the tools used by the roiro finish polisher are the 'hands' of the artisan himself.
The process of roiro waxing starts with receiving the finished urushi lacquered board from the urushi lacquer painter. Then they polish the surface with a block of soft charcoal, in a process called ‘sumitogi’. They smooth out the surface with urushi lacquer for roiro waxing and polish with a fine-grained powder (traditionally powdered deer antler) and vegetable oil such as camellia oil. A roiro waxer polishes the surface using the plumpest part of the palm, at the root of the thumb. By pressing and polishing up with the palm using powdered deer antler and oil, the urushi surface becomes more and more brilliant, and the surface changes into a beautiful mirror that reflects light and sights.
The work of a roiro waxer, which draws forth the radiance of urushi in the delicate 0.2 mm film coating, is one of the most important jobs in finishing an urushi product, which has been passed around in turn, starting from the woodworking craftsman. If they make a mistake with the roiro waxing, they need to bring the product back to the urushi lacquer painter, who will put lacquer on it again. In the process of each specialization, where different craft artists work in turn on their expertise, the work of the roiro waxer is very important and holds great responsibility.